Friday Five: Top 5 Shows at Walt Disney World

Hello and welcome back to the Friday Five, where I pick a topic and rank things from 5 to 1! Last week, I talked about my top 5 rides at Walt Disney World, and going along with the theme, this week I'm going to talk about my top shows at Walt Disney World. Before I get into the rankings, I think it makes sense to clarify what exactly classifies as a show at the parks. For me, a show at WDW has to have one of the following elements: fireworks, music, people acting, and it has to be entertaining, duh. Now, that leaves tons of options from Happily Ever After to Johnny Maserati dancing at Disney Springs, they're all qualified to make the list. With that said, there can only be 5 and we're not taking any shortcuts by giving Honorable Mentions. So without adieu, these are my top 5 shows at WDW:

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Number 5: Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire

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This was by far the hardest choice of the list. I was torn between Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular, Rivers of Light, Star Wars: A Galactic Spectacular, and Mickey's Royal Friendship Faire. But ultimately the Friendship Faire that takes place at Magic Kingdom won the spot. Why, you may ask; well, I don't really have an answer other than the finale song with all the characters. It makes me feel uber sentimental and sometimes even emotional because it just feels so Disney. Typically, I'll watch this show from the Hub with a Casey's Corner hot dog in my hand and just enjoy it's awesomeness. I also love love love the fact that it incorporates Elsa, Rapunzel, and most important, Tiana.

Number 4: Illuminations: Reflections of Earth

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There is a very high possibility that the only reason this is on my list is because my only experience seeing it is with the holiday tag at the end. That being said, the holiday tag is, without question, the best firework presentation on Disney property, period. However, the show itself can get a little boring. I understand it presents a great message, something other shows tend to not do, but at the end of the day, I don't really care about messages, I want to be wowed. Illuminations did wow me in December, but from what I've heard from fellow Disney nerds, it's not as great during other parts of the year. I'll have to see for myself this April.

Number 3: Happily Ever After

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If you would've asked me to make this list 7 months ago, Happily Ever After would probably be at the top. Does that mean it doesn't age well? Not necessarily, it just means I've found a new love for the shows before HEA. Nonetheless, Happily Ever After is an amazing show with laser, pyro, music, and fireworks! There really is nothing else that could make the show better. I absolutely love all the Disney classics they chose to incorporate into the show, as well as some current great Disney movies. And let's not forget who the first Disney character to appear is...that's right, Tiana. Front and center, right where she belongs. Princess and The Frog Forever.

Number 2: Festival of Fantasy

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Now we're getting into the nitty gritty. I will say number one and two are both day time shows. But Festival of Fantasy has THE BEST soundtrack on Disney property, ever. Nothing compares. Like just thinking about it makes me emotional. I literally can not go to Magic Kingdom and not see Festival of Fantasy. From the great costumes, to all the happy character waving on their floats (which are beautiful, by the way), to the freaking enormous Maleficent dragon, Festival of Fantasy has it all. Heck, it even has free bubbles, who doesn't like bubbles? Exactly.

Number 1: Festival of the Lion King

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No surprise here, the number one slot is taken by a show literally revolving around The Lion King. I love everything about the show, its just so great. The music is great, the acting is great, the performers are great, the guest interaction is great, everything is great. I literally can't talk enough about how much I love this show. It doesn't matter how many times I see this, I still fall more and more in love with. Personally, my favorite part is the "Be Prepared" sequence; however, the whole show is golden. Plain and simple, there's nothing better.

There you have it! My top 5 shows at Walt Disney World. Tune in next week as I venture somewhere other than Walt Disney World and talk about my top 5 things to do here in Knoxville, TN!


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