Post Black Panther Predictions For Avengers: Infinity War
Alrighty y'all, we're exactly 47 days away from Infinity War at the time of writing this and Black Panther has been out for less than a week and is already shattering numbers, meaning that the superhero community is stronger than ever! That being said, arguably the biggest superhero movie is coming this May and I, for one, can not wait!! Now, Marvel has been extremely mum on Infinity War and what is to come, but you can easily find theories, speculations, and even "leaks" (but let's be real, they aren't real leaks.) But I have some theories and predictions on what's going to happen in the blockbuster movie of the year that I'm going to share with you today.

Okay so for anyone who hasn't seen all the MCU movies and doesn't like spoilers, I'd stop reading now. THIS IS YOUR WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD, TURN BACK NOW.

Now, for anyone who hasn't seen Black Panther and think it'll lead up to Infinity War the way Ragnarok did (ie: me) you're wrong. When I say Black Panther had literally nothing to do with Infinity War, I mean... not a thing. Which basically means that Marvel is going to turn around and make a huge deal out of a little piece of information from Black Panther and I'm still going to love it. Nonetheless, pretty much the only thing Black Panther gave us that was tied to the MCU at all, was that post credit scene with Bucky waking up, but we already knew he wakes up so that's not a huge surprise. It is nice to know that we won't have to be wondering where Bucky is the whole movie as it looks like he'll be in Infinity War from the get go. But as far as getting a lead up to Infinity War, that's about all we get.

But now that Black Panther is over, let's talk about what I expect to happen in the first Avengers: Infinity War. To set the table, let's talk about where everyone is as it stands today. Thor, Loki, Hulk, and Valkyrie, along with everyone left from Asgard, is up in space staring down what I assume to be Thanos' ship, as we can see from the Thor: Ragnarok post credits scene. I'm assuming Tony, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, War Machine, Peter Parker, Dr Strange, Wong, and Vision are in New York somewhere. As far as Tony, Pepper, Rhoades, Happy, and Vision, they're probably at the Avengers HQ. Parker is probably in Queens being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman, while Strange and Wong are in the New York Sanctum Santorum. We see in Civil War that Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Ant Man, and Falcon are all imprisoned in some cell under the water. Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Black Widow, T'Challa, Nakia, Shuri, Okoye, and Mbaku are presumably still in Wakanda as we see in Civil War and Black Panther. That leaves the Guardians of the Galaxy, who I'm assuming are out in space somewhere protecting the world, we don't really know for sure but that's my guess.

Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about what I think is going to happen.
I will say my theory on what's going to happen changes pretty much daily, as new details emerge and what not. Currently, I think it's about to go down in Infinity War, and I think a lot of our favorite heroes won't be making it out alive.
Here's a list of people I'd be willing to bet money on will die in either of the two movies:
War Machine
Captain America
Black Widow
Captain America
Pepper Potts
Like I said, mass causalities, so bring the Kleenex. I think some of these characters will go out heroically (Cap, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Loki) but some will just be overpowered by Thanos and his Black Order (Vision, Nebula, Wong, Okoye, Mbaku.) From the trailer, we can see that Corvus Glaive looks to take the Mind Stone straight from Vision's head, which I believe will ultimately end up killing Vision. We see Loki surrounded by dead people handing the Tesseract to someone, who I believe is Thanos. My thoughts are that Thanos tells Loki he'll spare his life if he gives Thanos the stone, which Loki does, and then Thanos will kill him anyway for his failures in Avengers. I believe both Loki and Vision's death will happen pretty early in the movie. At this point, it could be assumed that Thanos would have the Mind and Space Stones, setting him on the hunt for the Power Stone located in Xandar.

This is where I think Thanos will encounter the Guardians, Thor, Valkyrie, and possibly Hulk. Ultimately, I think it will be a losing effort, Thanos will get is third Infinity Stone, and the Guardians, Thor, and Valkyrie will flee to find the Reality Stone before Thanos can, while Hulk will be thrown from Xandar to land on Earth in the Sanctum Santorum, where he will encounter Dr Strange, Wong, and Tony. Shortly after, I think Thanos will arrive via his portal that we see in the trailers, which will prompt Peter Parker to suit up. This is where I think Banner informs Strange, Wong, and Tony that Thanos is here fore the Time Stone Strange wears. By then, I think Tony will have already suited up and retrieved the Hulkbuster suit to send Banner to Wakanda for help, where he knows Captain America is. While Hulk is sent away, I believe Thanos will wage war on New York. I think Pepper will suit up in an Iron Man, and consequently die an unfortunate death. That scene in the trailer where Thanos just obliterates Iron Man, I think it' Pepper Potts. I also think this is where Wong dies, I don't really know how, but I expect him to die here. After the deaths occur, I think Peter, Tony, and Strange flee using Strange's necklace, keeping the stone away from Thanos. I think from here on out, the majority of the action will be in Wakanda. Hulk will arrive, make up with Natasha, and warn T'Challa of the Thanos; however, I think Wakanda will already know what is coming based on the attack by Proxima Midnight, who will die at the hands of Captain America and Black Widow. I think it'll also be revealed that Cap, with Tony's help, broke out his friends from their cells, and Falcon and Hawkeye followed him, while the others just went their separate ways. All in all, I think Thanos, along with his army, will attack Wakanda and bring the deaths of Okoye, Mbaku, War Machine, and Hawkeye in the Battle of Wakanda. I think the remaining heroes, along with the Wakandan armies, will thwart off Thanos and his army; however, Thanos will have found the Soul Stone that I believe is located in Wakanda. After finding the stone, Thanos will see he is in a losing battle and will call on his forces to retreat. I think around this time the movie will end, but the big cliffhanger will be that once he leaves, he goes back to wherever he goes and brings back the main villains of the MCU: Red Skull, Ultron, Dormammu, Malekith, Kaecilius, Ego, Ronan, Hela, Killian, and, in a surprising move, Killmonger and Klaue.

I know it's a pretty radical theory, and my ending is probably WAYYYY off, but that's what I think is going to happen. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter what happens, every record Black Panther just set at the box office, Infinity War is going to shatter. This will easily be the best movie of 2018, there's no debating that. It'll be an instant classic, and one that people will have to go see at least 2 times to account for all the different heroes and storylines coming together in one film. Nonetheless, I can't wait for April 27th, 2018!

Okay so for anyone who hasn't seen all the MCU movies and doesn't like spoilers, I'd stop reading now. THIS IS YOUR WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD, TURN BACK NOW.

Now, for anyone who hasn't seen Black Panther and think it'll lead up to Infinity War the way Ragnarok did (ie: me) you're wrong. When I say Black Panther had literally nothing to do with Infinity War, I mean... not a thing. Which basically means that Marvel is going to turn around and make a huge deal out of a little piece of information from Black Panther and I'm still going to love it. Nonetheless, pretty much the only thing Black Panther gave us that was tied to the MCU at all, was that post credit scene with Bucky waking up, but we already knew he wakes up so that's not a huge surprise. It is nice to know that we won't have to be wondering where Bucky is the whole movie as it looks like he'll be in Infinity War from the get go. But as far as getting a lead up to Infinity War, that's about all we get.
But now that Black Panther is over, let's talk about what I expect to happen in the first Avengers: Infinity War. To set the table, let's talk about where everyone is as it stands today. Thor, Loki, Hulk, and Valkyrie, along with everyone left from Asgard, is up in space staring down what I assume to be Thanos' ship, as we can see from the Thor: Ragnarok post credits scene. I'm assuming Tony, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, War Machine, Peter Parker, Dr Strange, Wong, and Vision are in New York somewhere. As far as Tony, Pepper, Rhoades, Happy, and Vision, they're probably at the Avengers HQ. Parker is probably in Queens being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman, while Strange and Wong are in the New York Sanctum Santorum. We see in Civil War that Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Ant Man, and Falcon are all imprisoned in some cell under the water. Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Black Widow, T'Challa, Nakia, Shuri, Okoye, and Mbaku are presumably still in Wakanda as we see in Civil War and Black Panther. That leaves the Guardians of the Galaxy, who I'm assuming are out in space somewhere protecting the world, we don't really know for sure but that's my guess.

Now that that's out of the way, let's talk about what I think is going to happen.
I will say my theory on what's going to happen changes pretty much daily, as new details emerge and what not. Currently, I think it's about to go down in Infinity War, and I think a lot of our favorite heroes won't be making it out alive.
Here's a list of people I'd be willing to bet money on will die in either of the two movies:
War Machine
Captain America
Black Widow
Captain America
Pepper Potts
Like I said, mass causalities, so bring the Kleenex. I think some of these characters will go out heroically (Cap, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Loki) but some will just be overpowered by Thanos and his Black Order (Vision, Nebula, Wong, Okoye, Mbaku.) From the trailer, we can see that Corvus Glaive looks to take the Mind Stone straight from Vision's head, which I believe will ultimately end up killing Vision. We see Loki surrounded by dead people handing the Tesseract to someone, who I believe is Thanos. My thoughts are that Thanos tells Loki he'll spare his life if he gives Thanos the stone, which Loki does, and then Thanos will kill him anyway for his failures in Avengers. I believe both Loki and Vision's death will happen pretty early in the movie. At this point, it could be assumed that Thanos would have the Mind and Space Stones, setting him on the hunt for the Power Stone located in Xandar.

This is where I think Thanos will encounter the Guardians, Thor, Valkyrie, and possibly Hulk. Ultimately, I think it will be a losing effort, Thanos will get is third Infinity Stone, and the Guardians, Thor, and Valkyrie will flee to find the Reality Stone before Thanos can, while Hulk will be thrown from Xandar to land on Earth in the Sanctum Santorum, where he will encounter Dr Strange, Wong, and Tony. Shortly after, I think Thanos will arrive via his portal that we see in the trailers, which will prompt Peter Parker to suit up. This is where I think Banner informs Strange, Wong, and Tony that Thanos is here fore the Time Stone Strange wears. By then, I think Tony will have already suited up and retrieved the Hulkbuster suit to send Banner to Wakanda for help, where he knows Captain America is. While Hulk is sent away, I believe Thanos will wage war on New York. I think Pepper will suit up in an Iron Man, and consequently die an unfortunate death. That scene in the trailer where Thanos just obliterates Iron Man, I think it' Pepper Potts. I also think this is where Wong dies, I don't really know how, but I expect him to die here. After the deaths occur, I think Peter, Tony, and Strange flee using Strange's necklace, keeping the stone away from Thanos. I think from here on out, the majority of the action will be in Wakanda. Hulk will arrive, make up with Natasha, and warn T'Challa of the Thanos; however, I think Wakanda will already know what is coming based on the attack by Proxima Midnight, who will die at the hands of Captain America and Black Widow. I think it'll also be revealed that Cap, with Tony's help, broke out his friends from their cells, and Falcon and Hawkeye followed him, while the others just went their separate ways. All in all, I think Thanos, along with his army, will attack Wakanda and bring the deaths of Okoye, Mbaku, War Machine, and Hawkeye in the Battle of Wakanda. I think the remaining heroes, along with the Wakandan armies, will thwart off Thanos and his army; however, Thanos will have found the Soul Stone that I believe is located in Wakanda. After finding the stone, Thanos will see he is in a losing battle and will call on his forces to retreat. I think around this time the movie will end, but the big cliffhanger will be that once he leaves, he goes back to wherever he goes and brings back the main villains of the MCU: Red Skull, Ultron, Dormammu, Malekith, Kaecilius, Ego, Ronan, Hela, Killian, and, in a surprising move, Killmonger and Klaue.

I know it's a pretty radical theory, and my ending is probably WAYYYY off, but that's what I think is going to happen. Ultimately, it doesn't really matter what happens, every record Black Panther just set at the box office, Infinity War is going to shatter. This will easily be the best movie of 2018, there's no debating that. It'll be an instant classic, and one that people will have to go see at least 2 times to account for all the different heroes and storylines coming together in one film. Nonetheless, I can't wait for April 27th, 2018!

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