Friday Five: Top 5 Marvel Movies

Welcome back to another edition of the Friday Five! This week's rankings is one that I've wanted to do for a while, but had to wait for the right time. Now, we all know I love to rank things and make lists, and I love movies. My favorite genre of movies is probably superhero movies because I love the idea that there is good in the world and someone will be there to save the people. In my opinion, if we're talking superhero movies, the company that makes the best by far is Marvel. While DC has a couple of movies that I like (Wonder Woman, Justice League, Suicide Squad), they also have a pretty big miss on a movie based on the face of the DC Franchise (Man of Steel). On the other hand, Marvel consistently pumps out amazing movies at a rate of 2-3 per year, with no whiffs. I'm sure eventually there will be a post comparing the two comic book movie companies, but that's not today. Today's post is ranking my Top Five Marvel Movies.

As much as I love all the movies in the current MCU, it's pretty easy to pick 5 that stand above the rest. There won't be any honorable mentions because to me, the MCU movies are broken into 3 tiers: amazing, great, and good...and the great category has the most films in it, so in turn I'd be listing like 12 movies. Either way, lets get into the Top Five.

Number 5: Iron Man

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Where it all began for the MCU, Iron Man was an instant classic when it premiered 10 years ago. It's so crazy to think this movie is 10 years old, and how well it has aged. I can pop this into my Xbox and still love every second of it. It literally does not get old at all. Robert Downey Jr is the perfect Iron Man and brings that sarcastic attitude to life in every way possible. His ability to portray Tony Stark's character arc is incomparable; we can see the struggle on his face, the anger he has towards his company, his determination to make things right, Downey Jr makes it all so real. The first of three Iron Man films, the original sneaks into my top 5 because, well, there'd be no MCU without it!

Number 4: Avengers: Age of Ultron

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The sequel to the blockbuster released in 2015 and gave us one of the best post credit scenes in recent memory showing Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet, not to mention it brought back one of the best casts ever assembled for a film. One of my favorite things about the movie is it literally begins with action. The opening sequence with the Avengers invading the Hydra base to get Loki's scepter is so beautifully shot, and the introduction of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver was perfect. Another thing I really liked was that this movie really seemed to focus more on Hawkeye and his character traits more than the last film. He's just an average guy, with a family at home, who just happens to have a very good aim. He doesn't have a metal suit, isn't a demi-god, and doesn't turn green when he's angry, he's just Clint and he's the most vulnerable to tragedy as we see in the movie. I like how they built Vision into this, and love his exchanges with Tony and Ultron too. This is such a great movie and it sets up Phase 3 of the MCU perfectly.

Number 3: Spiderman: Homecoming

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After years and years of waiting, we finally got a perfect Spiderman movie. Tom Holland brings us a new perspective of Spiderman, one that a few people are not too happy about. The argument is that he's too young, but according to the comics, Peter was only 15 when he was bitten and in Civil War, Tony clearly states that Spiderman has had his powers for approximately 6 months. Given that Homecoming takes place right after Civil War, it's safe to say Peter hasn't had his powers more than 8 months, meaning he's still 15. Tom Holland's character clearly looks and sounds 15; but I believe people are so used to Tobey Macquire's Spiderman that they just can't accept a new one. Oh well, I LOVE Tom Holland's Spiderman and love that he brings that new perspective to the movies. Also, I am 100% on board for introducing a new character that we've never seen in the Spiderman movies in Vulture. Michael Keaton will always be one of the best villains ever and seeing him here was amazing. By far the best scene is when Peter and Liz are on their way to the dance and Peter realizes who Liz's dad is and her dad knows who Peter is. It's honestly one of my favorite scenes in the entire MCU. It also doesn't hurt when they incorporate Iron Man into a film and show yet another side of him: the protective fatherly figure side, Downey Jr once again kills it here. I could go on and on about the different things I love about the movie but for now, I'll just it at my number 3.

Number 2: The Avengers 

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Honestly, there's not too much to explain here and not a reason to, really. It's the first superhero team up film ever. It's a freaking spectacle more than a film. It broke sooooo many walls. It's what Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, and Captain America: First Avenger led to. One could argue it's one of the best films ever made, period. And I haven't even gotten into the storyline and incredible character arcs it has for every character, not just Iron Man. Or the crazy special effects, or that it's the first time we see Thanos in a movie. Like, if you haven't seen this movie, you need to do so now, it'll change the way you watch superhero movies forever. 

Number 1: Captain America: Civil War

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Let me preface this by saying I typically don't like Captain America or the Captain America movies. If I'm being honest, he's kind of a candy ass goody two shoes and that puts me off on him; which could be why I love Iron Man so much. But I absolutely love the idea of our greatest heroes fighting against each other. Like, it's so great. The villian, Zemo, is pretty boring in this movie and it's real easy to forget he's even there. For the most part, the plot of the movie revolves around Captain America and Iron Man, and I think that's the way it should be. So in a way, I'm glad Zemo is such a weak villain because that would take away from the focus on two of the most important heroes fighting each other. The fight between Iron Man, Cap, and Bucky in the cave is seriously perfect. Every single shot in that scene is stunning and there isn't one thing I would change about it (also, Iron Man would've easily beaten Cap if it was one on one.) We FINALLY get to see T'Challa and the Black Panther (probably my favorite line in any movie is: "The Black Panther has been the protector of Wakanda for generations. A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. And now because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So I ask you, as both warrior and king, how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?") And that Tarmac scene...Vision, Black Panther, Spidey, Iron Man, War Machine, and Black Widow against Cap, Falcon, Ant Man, Scarlet Witch, Bucky, and Hawkeye is literally everything I wanted to see. I can watch that scene a billion times and still love it. It's honestly perfect and catapults this move to number 1 on my list. 


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