Super Bowl 52 Trailer Review Series: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Last night we saw one of the greatest Super Bowls in recent memory,
and I feel every year the game is just as good as the one before. Now,
while I have PLENTY to say about the game and breakdown that down, this
post is strictly for one of my favorite parts of the Big Game: the
commercials. But not just the commercials, I wanna talk about the movie
trailers that were released last night/this morning (looking at you,
So to recap, the main trailers we got was Solo: A Star Wars Story, Avengers: Infinity War, Mission Impossible: Fallout, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and Cloverfield. Now, if I'm being honest, I have really no idea about anything involving Mission Impossible or Cloverfield; that being said, I'll be breaking down the other three trailers, plus the new Solo trailer that debuted this morning on Good Morning America. So let's start with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

Okay so if you haven't seen the trailer, stop what you're doing, get on YouTube and look it up, it shouldn't be hard to find. But beware, after the trailer came out, Twitter went into a frenzy because of how many parents had to console their terrified children. This is definitely going to be a movie for adults I feel. So, I thought this was a really well done trailer that gave us a totally new look at the film. My initial thought is that the island where the dinosaurs were at is going to blow up, obviously as you can see Chris Pratt trying to save Blue and all the other dinosaurs jumping off the ledge in what looks like a meteor shower type deal. What happens with the surviving dinosaurs is what really makes the movie though. Unlike in the first movie, where the villains were the dinosaurs, it's clear that some kind of evil rich man is the antagonist who is trying to use the dinosaurs for his own profit, bringing them stateside. I'd be willing to bet that the dinosaurs escape their cages and run rampant on the city. Which explains the cut of Pratt calling Blue to save him, along with the cut of Bryce Dallas Howard shooting one of the dinosaurs. Let's get into it though, I'll go through and give my opinion on the trailer bit by bit. The opening is downright terrifying with that dinosaur clearly stalking the little girl in her bedroom while the iconic music plays in the background. I like how the dinosaur kinda knocks on the hardwood signifying that they are more intelligent than the humans give them credit for. I also want to know more about this girl because as the trailer progresses, this isn't the only time we see her. The next cut is Bryce Dallas Howard asking Pratt if he remembers when he first saw a dinosaur, resulting in somewhat of a flashback for Pratt with Blue as a baby. Then, the flashback is over as the we see the volcano erupting, which causes all the dinosaurs to flee, along with a military looking helicopter carrying a dinosaur away from the island. Next cut is Howard and Justice Smith, who returns in the film, in a lab with the computers picking up something in the tunnels. Smith knows it's a T-Rex, but what I'm more interested in is how did it get there and is this one of the escape routes for the more agile dinosaurs to get away from the eruption. Next we see Pratt persuading Blue to come with him and leave the island, which he does as we see later on. We then see the little ball shaped carts rolling through the forest and off the ledge as the volcano erupts (was this eruption a natural eruption or a man-made eruption?) Pratt appears to be underwater outside the blue ball, but then we see him in a helicopter with Blue as some scientist is giving Blue blood. The next cut is, I believe, one of the main antagonists saying the island and Jurassic World is in the past. Next cut is of what looks to be a big dinosaur in a cage with Pratt in the cage as well, narrowly escaping the jaws of the dinosaur. Then we get silence, and we see the dinosaur in the cage and another cut of what is probably another antagonist, presenting the caged dinosaur to what I believe is a board of trustees or something. Clearly the dinosaur is something Pratt has never seen as he asks "what is that thing?" Here is where the little girl from the beginning comes into play again. She tells Pratt "they" made it. I'm guessing the "they" here is the guys in suits looking to make a profit off the dinosaurs. Either way, the next cut is back in the girl's room where Pratt is protecting her against the same dinosaur from the beginning, which I'd bet is one of the more climatic scenes of the film. Pratt is over-run and calls for Blue, who is strangely much bigger, and looks to save him. I say the dinosaurs were brought stateside and escaped because literally, all of the following cuts are of dinosaurs, in the states, destroying humans. The final scene is with a security guard who looks to be detaining Pratt and Co before he gets destroyed by a dinosaur. This tells me that Pratt is probably a fugitive for the majority of the movie, and also confirms my theory that the "bad guys" are the ones who are trying to make a profit off the dinosaurs. The film comes out June 22, 2018 and really looks pretty good. There wasn't many easter eggs in the trailer, if any, and I think the trailer gave us the idea of what's going to happen in the film without giving too much away. Overall, I really liked it and think the movie will be pretty great.
So to recap, the main trailers we got was Solo: A Star Wars Story, Avengers: Infinity War, Mission Impossible: Fallout, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and Cloverfield. Now, if I'm being honest, I have really no idea about anything involving Mission Impossible or Cloverfield; that being said, I'll be breaking down the other three trailers, plus the new Solo trailer that debuted this morning on Good Morning America. So let's start with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.
Okay so if you haven't seen the trailer, stop what you're doing, get on YouTube and look it up, it shouldn't be hard to find. But beware, after the trailer came out, Twitter went into a frenzy because of how many parents had to console their terrified children. This is definitely going to be a movie for adults I feel. So, I thought this was a really well done trailer that gave us a totally new look at the film. My initial thought is that the island where the dinosaurs were at is going to blow up, obviously as you can see Chris Pratt trying to save Blue and all the other dinosaurs jumping off the ledge in what looks like a meteor shower type deal. What happens with the surviving dinosaurs is what really makes the movie though. Unlike in the first movie, where the villains were the dinosaurs, it's clear that some kind of evil rich man is the antagonist who is trying to use the dinosaurs for his own profit, bringing them stateside. I'd be willing to bet that the dinosaurs escape their cages and run rampant on the city. Which explains the cut of Pratt calling Blue to save him, along with the cut of Bryce Dallas Howard shooting one of the dinosaurs. Let's get into it though, I'll go through and give my opinion on the trailer bit by bit. The opening is downright terrifying with that dinosaur clearly stalking the little girl in her bedroom while the iconic music plays in the background. I like how the dinosaur kinda knocks on the hardwood signifying that they are more intelligent than the humans give them credit for. I also want to know more about this girl because as the trailer progresses, this isn't the only time we see her. The next cut is Bryce Dallas Howard asking Pratt if he remembers when he first saw a dinosaur, resulting in somewhat of a flashback for Pratt with Blue as a baby. Then, the flashback is over as the we see the volcano erupting, which causes all the dinosaurs to flee, along with a military looking helicopter carrying a dinosaur away from the island. Next cut is Howard and Justice Smith, who returns in the film, in a lab with the computers picking up something in the tunnels. Smith knows it's a T-Rex, but what I'm more interested in is how did it get there and is this one of the escape routes for the more agile dinosaurs to get away from the eruption. Next we see Pratt persuading Blue to come with him and leave the island, which he does as we see later on. We then see the little ball shaped carts rolling through the forest and off the ledge as the volcano erupts (was this eruption a natural eruption or a man-made eruption?) Pratt appears to be underwater outside the blue ball, but then we see him in a helicopter with Blue as some scientist is giving Blue blood. The next cut is, I believe, one of the main antagonists saying the island and Jurassic World is in the past. Next cut is of what looks to be a big dinosaur in a cage with Pratt in the cage as well, narrowly escaping the jaws of the dinosaur. Then we get silence, and we see the dinosaur in the cage and another cut of what is probably another antagonist, presenting the caged dinosaur to what I believe is a board of trustees or something. Clearly the dinosaur is something Pratt has never seen as he asks "what is that thing?" Here is where the little girl from the beginning comes into play again. She tells Pratt "they" made it. I'm guessing the "they" here is the guys in suits looking to make a profit off the dinosaurs. Either way, the next cut is back in the girl's room where Pratt is protecting her against the same dinosaur from the beginning, which I'd bet is one of the more climatic scenes of the film. Pratt is over-run and calls for Blue, who is strangely much bigger, and looks to save him. I say the dinosaurs were brought stateside and escaped because literally, all of the following cuts are of dinosaurs, in the states, destroying humans. The final scene is with a security guard who looks to be detaining Pratt and Co before he gets destroyed by a dinosaur. This tells me that Pratt is probably a fugitive for the majority of the movie, and also confirms my theory that the "bad guys" are the ones who are trying to make a profit off the dinosaurs. The film comes out June 22, 2018 and really looks pretty good. There wasn't many easter eggs in the trailer, if any, and I think the trailer gave us the idea of what's going to happen in the film without giving too much away. Overall, I really liked it and think the movie will be pretty great.
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