Super Bowl 52 Trailer Review Series: Solo: A Star Wars Story
Last night we saw one of the greatest Super Bowls in recent memory,
and I feel every year the game is just as good as the one before. Now,
while I have PLENTY to say about the game and breakdown that down, this
post is strictly for one of my favorite parts of the Big Game: the
commercials. But not just the commercials, I wanna talk about the movie
trailers that were released last night/this morning (looking at you,
So to recap, the main trailers we got was Solo: A Star Wars Story, Avengers: Infinity War, Mission Impossible: Fallout, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and Cloverfield. Now, if I'm being honest, I have really no idea about anything involving Mission Impossible or Cloverfield; that being said, I'll be breaking down the other three trailers, plus the new Solo trailer that debuted this morning on Good Morning America. Now, I've already done Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and Avengers: Infinity War, so let's finish this series with Solo: A Star Wars Story

In typical Star Wars fashion, we got a teaser for the upcoming film, Solo, on Sunday night during the Super Bowl; however, the official trailer came this morning on Good Morning America. I'll start with the teaser, and then talk about the official one. Okay so the big thing here for me was the music choice. Never before have we heard 80's rock in a Star Wars movie but that's exactly how this opens, which tells me this is NOT going to be a typical Star Wars movie. There's a hand that's clicking on some buttons, I'm guessing that's Solo. We cut to what I first thought was like an Imperial cafeteria area, but everyone else seems to think it's the Flight Academy so we'll go with that. There's an officer there who's definitely asking Solo if he wants to make a difference in which Solo replies yes and the officer tells him he'll love it. What exactly are they talking about? I'm betting it has something to do with the Empire because the next cut is an Imperial Star Destroyer coming through space. We then see the officer asking Solo which branch he's interested in joining, meaning that unless part of the plot is Solo going undercover to join the Empire, Solo was originally wanting to join the Empire. We then see some kind of landspeeder and part of it is broken off and goes a different way, I'd be Solo is piloting that part. Solo tells the officer he wants to be the best pilot in the galaxy in the background. Solo's landspeeder is seen flying through a market place in what is clearly a chase scene. We then see the inside of a squeaky clean looking Millennium Falcon, with Solo standing outside looking at the ship. The next scene is of Emilia Clarke's character, Qi'ra who we have no idea about coming into this. I want to speculate this may be a former love interest of Solo but that seems to obvious; however, it's all I can come with from the two trailers released so far. We see some droid character that I'm sure will be this film's version of K2-SO, followed a transport looking ship on a stormy planet we've never seen, then Woody Harrelson's character that we don't know the name of. But it looks like he's on a mountainous planet, that once again, we've never seen before. The next cut looks to be a cantina type scene with some golden lady dancing in the middle. Think Canto Bight but brighter and more dancing instead of gambling. It looked beautifully shot. We then cut back to that transport on the stormy planet to see a battle going raging on top of the transport. It looks like it's either Han Solo or Woody Harrelson's character firing blasters at some masked villain. Could it be a Mandalorian agent; my guess is it has to be someone associated with Boba Fett since we know he's in the film at some point. The next cut is of Donald Glover's Lando Calrissian. This was rumored to be the high point of the movie and it looks like they might've been right. He looks like he's in a cave of some sorts, with flashing lights going off in front of him that I think are blasters; but he's in a fur coat and smiling like he's a royal. I would bet he's over-seeing some sort of fighting pit here. We then see the Falcon flying through a storm and it looks like it has a different paint job with a touch of blue added to the top. The last cut is of Han in a prison cell, I'd bet it's Lando's since it looks like it's in a cave, and the guard asking what his name is. After the logo, we see Han and Chewie on the mountainous planet Woody Harrelson's character was on, looking out into the sea.
That's the end of the Super Bowl teaser, now I'll dive into the GMA trailer shown on Monday morning.
This one opens up with the rock music again, but we definitely get more Solo in this than the teaser on Sunday night. In fact, the first voice we hear belongs to Solo. He tells us that he was kicked out of the Flight Academy for "having a mind of his own." That confirms the theory from the trailer during the Super Bowl, that Solo was indeed talking to an officer in the Flight Academy. However, here he is talking to Qi'ra, we assume because the first cut is Solo and Qi'ra in that landspeeder cutting through markets and streets clearly trying to outrun bigger, more powerful ships. The planet they're on looks what I would imagine an alleyway on Coruscant would look like, but we know it's not Coruscant. It then cuts to that mountainous planet with Woody Harrelson and has Han overlooking the snow from a mountain peak. We then, once again, see the inside of a brand new Millennium Falcon. I can't get over how clean and white it looks inside, but there's more about the Falcon later on. We then see Harrelson trying to recruit Han and Chewie, who already seem to be a package deal so maybe we don't get to see how they meet up after all :(. While Harrelson is pitching Solo about a team he's putting together, we see cuts of Qi'ra in what looks very similar to a female version of what Lando wore in the Empire Strikes Back on Bespin. Along with her is the droid mentioned before that looks to be the new K2-SO. Then it cuts to Lando in his traditional yellow outfit (dear Lord, I believe they hit the jackpot casting Glover as Lando), and we also see an African American female character with a blaster. My guess is she's gonna be the one who's constantly trying to shoot their way out of everything. The final member of the team looks to be an alien we've never seen before and it's honestly hard to describe him. He seems quick and looks to be manning the guns on the Falcon so maybe that's his role. We then see Han in this dark casino looking place, probably gambling here, but what's interesting is he looks to be alone except for in the back corner you can see Chewie, maybe this is how they get together? We then cut to Lando and the droid making the jump to hyperspace in the Falcon, which is interesting because it looks like Han is in the backseat so maybe Lando is the one who's the pilot of the Falcon at the beginning. We then cut to the cantina looking scene described before, but this time we see Qi'ra and we hear her talking in the background of the trailer, presumably telling Han she's the only one who knows him for who he truly is. This makes me believe Han and Qi'ra must've grew up together or been in the Academy together because you can definitely see there's a relationship between the two. We see Han face to face with, what I believe, are a group of Mandalorians. We know that Boba Fett is in this movie from the leak of his costume on set last year, it only makes sense that the main villain here would be Fett and the Mandalorians; but what's cool about this scene is we see Han flick up his holster to grab his blaster but the Mandalorian catches him trying to do it. They're also on a desert looking planet, so I'll guess Han is there against his will. We then cut to see someone in a cape (I guess Lando) taking down some guards with ease in what looks to be an attempted rescue. So what this sequence tells me is Han, Lando, and Qi'ra probably go to this casino and Han gets captured by Mandalorians, which requires Lando and Qi'ra to rescue him, which I think ends up in Qi'ra's death. The next cut is Han flying some big, slow ship (not the Falcon) away from a new model of TIE fighters; he seems to be struggling, but I'd be willing to bet that Lando in the Falcon will come to save him. The final cut involves that giant Imperial Destroyer from the Super Bowl teaser. It looks like Han, Lando, Qi'ra, and Chewie have upset the Empire and that Destroyer, along with some TIEs, is chasing the Falcon. Han manages to escape, before they realize there's some giant alien with tentacles trying to kill them. It looks similar to Kamino from Attack of the Clones. Lando and Qi'ra both yell and then it cuts to the release date (Memorial Day.) I'd say the climatic scene is probably this one or the Mandalorian scene, just because that's something every Star Wars fan knows about and it wouldn't make much sense to make the most important scene in the film about something nobody knows about. But this is a Ron Howard movie, and it's most definitely not a typical Star Wars movie, so who knows. Overall, I'm fairly certain most of my predictions on this film will be right, and I'm actually excited for the movie. People have been saying it'll be a flop, but I seriously doubt it; look for Qi'ra to make us fall in love with her, then sacrifice herself for Han, and look for Lando to absolutely steal the show here.
So to recap, the main trailers we got was Solo: A Star Wars Story, Avengers: Infinity War, Mission Impossible: Fallout, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and Cloverfield. Now, if I'm being honest, I have really no idea about anything involving Mission Impossible or Cloverfield; that being said, I'll be breaking down the other three trailers, plus the new Solo trailer that debuted this morning on Good Morning America. Now, I've already done Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and Avengers: Infinity War, so let's finish this series with Solo: A Star Wars Story
In typical Star Wars fashion, we got a teaser for the upcoming film, Solo, on Sunday night during the Super Bowl; however, the official trailer came this morning on Good Morning America. I'll start with the teaser, and then talk about the official one. Okay so the big thing here for me was the music choice. Never before have we heard 80's rock in a Star Wars movie but that's exactly how this opens, which tells me this is NOT going to be a typical Star Wars movie. There's a hand that's clicking on some buttons, I'm guessing that's Solo. We cut to what I first thought was like an Imperial cafeteria area, but everyone else seems to think it's the Flight Academy so we'll go with that. There's an officer there who's definitely asking Solo if he wants to make a difference in which Solo replies yes and the officer tells him he'll love it. What exactly are they talking about? I'm betting it has something to do with the Empire because the next cut is an Imperial Star Destroyer coming through space. We then see the officer asking Solo which branch he's interested in joining, meaning that unless part of the plot is Solo going undercover to join the Empire, Solo was originally wanting to join the Empire. We then see some kind of landspeeder and part of it is broken off and goes a different way, I'd be Solo is piloting that part. Solo tells the officer he wants to be the best pilot in the galaxy in the background. Solo's landspeeder is seen flying through a market place in what is clearly a chase scene. We then see the inside of a squeaky clean looking Millennium Falcon, with Solo standing outside looking at the ship. The next scene is of Emilia Clarke's character, Qi'ra who we have no idea about coming into this. I want to speculate this may be a former love interest of Solo but that seems to obvious; however, it's all I can come with from the two trailers released so far. We see some droid character that I'm sure will be this film's version of K2-SO, followed a transport looking ship on a stormy planet we've never seen, then Woody Harrelson's character that we don't know the name of. But it looks like he's on a mountainous planet, that once again, we've never seen before. The next cut looks to be a cantina type scene with some golden lady dancing in the middle. Think Canto Bight but brighter and more dancing instead of gambling. It looked beautifully shot. We then cut back to that transport on the stormy planet to see a battle going raging on top of the transport. It looks like it's either Han Solo or Woody Harrelson's character firing blasters at some masked villain. Could it be a Mandalorian agent; my guess is it has to be someone associated with Boba Fett since we know he's in the film at some point. The next cut is of Donald Glover's Lando Calrissian. This was rumored to be the high point of the movie and it looks like they might've been right. He looks like he's in a cave of some sorts, with flashing lights going off in front of him that I think are blasters; but he's in a fur coat and smiling like he's a royal. I would bet he's over-seeing some sort of fighting pit here. We then see the Falcon flying through a storm and it looks like it has a different paint job with a touch of blue added to the top. The last cut is of Han in a prison cell, I'd bet it's Lando's since it looks like it's in a cave, and the guard asking what his name is. After the logo, we see Han and Chewie on the mountainous planet Woody Harrelson's character was on, looking out into the sea.
That's the end of the Super Bowl teaser, now I'll dive into the GMA trailer shown on Monday morning.
This one opens up with the rock music again, but we definitely get more Solo in this than the teaser on Sunday night. In fact, the first voice we hear belongs to Solo. He tells us that he was kicked out of the Flight Academy for "having a mind of his own." That confirms the theory from the trailer during the Super Bowl, that Solo was indeed talking to an officer in the Flight Academy. However, here he is talking to Qi'ra, we assume because the first cut is Solo and Qi'ra in that landspeeder cutting through markets and streets clearly trying to outrun bigger, more powerful ships. The planet they're on looks what I would imagine an alleyway on Coruscant would look like, but we know it's not Coruscant. It then cuts to that mountainous planet with Woody Harrelson and has Han overlooking the snow from a mountain peak. We then, once again, see the inside of a brand new Millennium Falcon. I can't get over how clean and white it looks inside, but there's more about the Falcon later on. We then see Harrelson trying to recruit Han and Chewie, who already seem to be a package deal so maybe we don't get to see how they meet up after all :(. While Harrelson is pitching Solo about a team he's putting together, we see cuts of Qi'ra in what looks very similar to a female version of what Lando wore in the Empire Strikes Back on Bespin. Along with her is the droid mentioned before that looks to be the new K2-SO. Then it cuts to Lando in his traditional yellow outfit (dear Lord, I believe they hit the jackpot casting Glover as Lando), and we also see an African American female character with a blaster. My guess is she's gonna be the one who's constantly trying to shoot their way out of everything. The final member of the team looks to be an alien we've never seen before and it's honestly hard to describe him. He seems quick and looks to be manning the guns on the Falcon so maybe that's his role. We then see Han in this dark casino looking place, probably gambling here, but what's interesting is he looks to be alone except for in the back corner you can see Chewie, maybe this is how they get together? We then cut to Lando and the droid making the jump to hyperspace in the Falcon, which is interesting because it looks like Han is in the backseat so maybe Lando is the one who's the pilot of the Falcon at the beginning. We then cut to the cantina looking scene described before, but this time we see Qi'ra and we hear her talking in the background of the trailer, presumably telling Han she's the only one who knows him for who he truly is. This makes me believe Han and Qi'ra must've grew up together or been in the Academy together because you can definitely see there's a relationship between the two. We see Han face to face with, what I believe, are a group of Mandalorians. We know that Boba Fett is in this movie from the leak of his costume on set last year, it only makes sense that the main villain here would be Fett and the Mandalorians; but what's cool about this scene is we see Han flick up his holster to grab his blaster but the Mandalorian catches him trying to do it. They're also on a desert looking planet, so I'll guess Han is there against his will. We then cut to see someone in a cape (I guess Lando) taking down some guards with ease in what looks to be an attempted rescue. So what this sequence tells me is Han, Lando, and Qi'ra probably go to this casino and Han gets captured by Mandalorians, which requires Lando and Qi'ra to rescue him, which I think ends up in Qi'ra's death. The next cut is Han flying some big, slow ship (not the Falcon) away from a new model of TIE fighters; he seems to be struggling, but I'd be willing to bet that Lando in the Falcon will come to save him. The final cut involves that giant Imperial Destroyer from the Super Bowl teaser. It looks like Han, Lando, Qi'ra, and Chewie have upset the Empire and that Destroyer, along with some TIEs, is chasing the Falcon. Han manages to escape, before they realize there's some giant alien with tentacles trying to kill them. It looks similar to Kamino from Attack of the Clones. Lando and Qi'ra both yell and then it cuts to the release date (Memorial Day.) I'd say the climatic scene is probably this one or the Mandalorian scene, just because that's something every Star Wars fan knows about and it wouldn't make much sense to make the most important scene in the film about something nobody knows about. But this is a Ron Howard movie, and it's most definitely not a typical Star Wars movie, so who knows. Overall, I'm fairly certain most of my predictions on this film will be right, and I'm actually excited for the movie. People have been saying it'll be a flop, but I seriously doubt it; look for Qi'ra to make us fall in love with her, then sacrifice herself for Han, and look for Lando to absolutely steal the show here.
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